Unless you’ve been living under a rock, you’ve heard that Prince William and his wife Kate Middleton are expecting their second child.
In the UK, bookmakers have already gone about setting odds for this latest momentous event for William, the second in line to the U.K. throne, his wife, and their first born, baby George. Bookmakers Ladbrokes is in favor of a boy, at 4:5 and the odds that they’ll have a little girl are even money. Current odds here in the US are currently split even.
But don’t just think you can gamble on the gender of the baby; there are other things to consider in this game of baby-bumps as well.
Along with gambling on the the baby’s weight, you an bet on whether or not Kate will give birth to twins. And, of course, you can bet on baby names too. In the UK, they are going with James as the most likely, at 6:1 odds, with Arthur, Elizabeth, and Victoria tied for the second most probable, each given 8:1 odds. At my favorite celebrity betting site, Elizabeth, James, and Victoria are all tied for most likely names, at 10:1 odds.
If you’re not into betting, but do like games (and this one just may involve real thrones!), here’s some food for fun speculation: 8 ways the second royal baby could change history.