You’ll Just Die

Since piercing your tongue seems like a gamble anyhow, why not insert this Casino Dice Tongue Ring Barbell? It’s just 99 cents. And hey, at least the dice aren’t fuzzy *wink*

Casino Dice Tongue Ring Barbell

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Truths About Online Poker

An interesting article at The Washington Times offering proper perspective on the Unlawful Internet Gambling Enforcement Act (UIGEA), which prohibits credit-processing companies from transferring payments related to “unlawful Internet gambling,” which the act vaguely defines as “any game subject to chance.” Along with pointing to the fact that poker isn’t a “game subject to chance,” or even one of luck, there’s this stereotype-shattering information:

Far from being an inherently wasteful activity that inevitably leads to ruin, poker – including online poker – enables skilled players to earn money. More than four years after UIGEA’s enactment, U.S. laws regarding online poker remain vague, and responsible online poker players are left facing legal uncertainty.

When most people think of a professional poker player, they envision either a deadbeat dad with a drained bank account or an underage college student wasting hours of study time while racking up thousands of dollars in credit card bills. Yet these stereotypes are not representative of the more than 40,000 (according to the Poker Players Alliance) professional and semiprofessional poker players who earn a living or supplement their income through honest and highly skilled competitive online play.

For many middle-income people, online poker is a reliable way to supplement their incomes without having to leave home. For others, it is the only way they can cover their costs of living.

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Furry Coin Purse For Your Gambling Kitty

Few people are as superstitious as gamblers; we have “lucky” everything. So a coin purse isn’t only essential in a practical way of holding onto one’s change — it’s essential for good luck. Most gamblers have a lucky coin purse for each game of chance they play. This furry coin purse is going to be my new Lucky Bingo coin purse — unless it jinxes me somehow…

Furry Faux Fur Coin Purse

The Ecote Faux Fur Coin Purse: on sale for just $11.99 — and only available online.

Sale found via Shop It To Me.

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Casinos Are Counting On You Not To Do The Math

Since part of the reason I wanted to blog about gambling was to take the time to examine the myths surrounding it, be it games of chance or games of skill, I thought I should start with this whole idea of card counting.

When it comes to talking about playing poker and many other card games, the subject of card counting comes up. I’m not really a poker player — frankly this whole card counting business professed by card sharks and nerdy math types is what’s kept me away from it for so many years. I suspect this is true for many other women as well.

Women and Math

I don’t say that because I subscribe to the “women are bad at math” notion (far from it!), but I’m pretty sure that most women are intimidated by the idea of counting cards. But really, we shouldn’t be.

When it comes to numbers, most women have a pretty good head for them. Historically, we’ve been the ones in charge of household budgets, which is much cold numbers and hard math as it is any sense of thrift. And we can master the mystery and importance of numbers that men are daunted by; thread count on sheets and bedding and the desirability of stocking deniers, for example.

Still, we women tend to dismiss ourselves when it comes to math.

I think a large part of this soft-fuzzy-female-math-feeling has a lot to do with notions about female intuition (more on that in future posts, I assure you!), greater female interest in more “organic” areas of study, and the connotations surrounding math.

Numbers are rarely ever just numbers. Usually numbers are answers to questions. Any statistician will tell you that numbers can lie; any poll-taker can confirm that the questions themselves are loaded. Case in point, the dreaded relationship question, “How many sexual partners have you had?”

We all know that men increase their numbers to this question, while women typically decrease theirs. Up until recently this has been a given to assist in preserving the fragile male ego and gender constructs about morality. But the September/October 2009 issue of Psychology Today sheds some new light on the phenomenon which might assist us in matters of card counting.

In Can I Get Your Number? Jay Dixit examines how men and women differently arrive at their count of former sexual partners. In the article, Dixit quotes Norman Brown, a psychologist at the University of Alberta, as saying it’s not simply a matter of lying: “It has to do with self-presentation, estimation, and memory.”

While I won’t underestimate the depths we’ll go to as a society to preserve and strengthen male egos, it seems our approaches to math and memory are quite different. And here’s the key:

Women are more likely to “just know,” or to have a tally somewhere, a method psychologists call “notches on the bedpost.” Women are also more likely to use enumeration (“Let’s see, Dave, Tarik, that guy from the gym…”), which produces underestimates, since people forget instances.

Men are more likely to use rough approximation (“Jeeze, I don’t know, like maybe 50?”) or rate-based estimates (“Let’s see, one a month for the past five years…”) — a method that produces overestimates.

Casino Blackjack Table

What does this mean for those who want to win at blackjack or another card game? It means we have to use actual math here — to train ourselves to reply on actual route memorization, not the soft-fuzzy forms of counting we are used to.

That’s good news! Just as we’ve mastered being ruthless with our checking account registers, learned how to maximize the dollars and cents of sales and coupons clipping, we can learn how to count cards. (And it’s just as legal to count cards as it is to save money!)

Counting cards is the way to win at blackjack and other card games.  If you want to win, GameMaster has 24 free blackjack lessons that will take you through playing blackjack — including how to count cards. Wikipedia also has some card counting basics with a good reference link section too.

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What’s A “Kitty”? Why So Many Of Them?

I should probably start here with a clarification of the use of the word “kitty” as I’ll be using it a lot here, and in varying ways.

Strictly speaking, most gamblers know a kitty as the money in “the pot,” the funds or stakes up for grabs in the game. This why you’ll often find those black cats in the center of vintage rummy game trays and mats.

Vintage Rummy Game With Black Cat "Kitty"

The word kitty is also used to mean the collection of cash between several people, not necessarily at stake in a game of chance. (You might be more familiar with this at the office when it’s time for everyone in the office to chip in and buy Becky a gift for her new baby; all the money is put in a kitty and one lucky sap gets to go buy the best gift they can with the funds in the kitty.)

But the word “kitty” is used in my circle of gaming girls to mean other things too.

As my grandma told me, years ago housewives would stash bits of cash around the house. Because often the little woman didn’t have access to the bank or was simply given a cash budget to work within, there was the usual cash kept for household expenses (typically kept in a desk drawer in the kitchen or in a coffee can in a cabinet), but housewives also kept secret stashes of other money too…

Money saved on household expenses, money left-over from last month’s budget, etc., was kept not only for unexpected emergencies but for little splurges, such as fabric for a new dress for Bonnie to go to the dance in, for Bobby’s costume for the play, etc. (Gran says this money was for the family, but kept in secret so that the monthly budget wouldn’t be decreased.)

And housewives of yesteryear also managed to stash a little mad money for themselves too.

This too was made up from the money they managed to save on regular household expenses, but it also included — GASP! — money she won in card games with the girls.

Vintage Housewives Playing Cards

Card games, such as Bridge, Canasta and the myriad forms of Rummy, were not just the stuff atomic couples played; ladies played them too. And points and bragging rights weren’t the only things up for grabs. Often each point was a penny (or higher, depending on the circle), and ladies would make sure they had enough in their own secret stashes of cash to be able to play the weekly game. This money was often called a lady’s kitty.

A woman kept a separate kitty for each game or circle of friends she was a part of. This was not only a practical matter of budgeting one’s money, but it was also deemed in poor taste to bring a billfold of dollar bills to a penny-a-point game. The more games a lady was part of, the more kitties she had. Each kitty was generally kept hidden at home; a coffee can on a pantry shelf, an envelope tucked into a drawer of dainties, a little jar in the closet, etc. But kitties were never carried about in such containers. Each kitty had a corresponding coin purse that went to the games. Not only would a jar or can be seen as poor manners, but a lady wouldn’t ever tip her hand by showing the depths of her pockets. (Or a lack thereof.) Gran says each woman’s little gambling kitty coin purse was like her calling card; you could immediately recognize who was at the game by the little coin purses laying at an empty table.

Gran estimates that back in the day, she had as many as a dozen ongoing games – and kitty purses to match.

(This prompts me to rethink that old line about crazy little old ladies with a house full of cats! …What if each “cat” was actually a coin-purse-kitty of cash?!)

Sometimes too, the money in the pot was recycled; the winnings went back into a kitty that, once it reached its goal, would be spent on a little event for the ladies. Perhaps a luncheon at a club; maybe travel money for busing to a card or bingo event one town over. Whatever the ladies in the game agreed upon. In my group, we do this too. (I’ll be posting more about how to organize one of those later.)

In any case, I myself, and the girls in my gambling circles, have adopted the use of the term “kitty” to mean multiple things: a gambling pot, shared collections of money, our individual secret cash stashes, our little coin purses. It may seem confusing at the start, but I’m betting you’ll catch on quick enough.

Image credits:

Vintage Michigan Rummy tray with black cat “kitty” pot via 1020mo.

Suburban housewives playing a game of bridge; photographer, Alfred Eisenstaedt; LIFE 1942.

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